Woah! Our pride shines bright this year. We are thrilled as we announce we have crossed a major milestone in the history of our company. 2018 marks 50 years of business for Flagcraft, Inc. We feel like screaming at the top of our lungs, THANK YOU, to all our flag family!
Secondly, a huge thank you to our excellent team. Without their support our success would be inconceivable. Each of our dedicated team members play a specific and important role in our company. Their meticulousness, dedication, and hard work have helped bring us to the top. Flagcraft will always remain indebted to the contribution of our employees.
To our clients and customers who trusted in us to help provide outstanding service and products: thank you! Your questions, concerns, and enthusiasm have kept us challenged and growing. We could not reach the success we have without you. You have made us a part of your lives and we are eternally grateful. As well, your kind words continue to spread the name of our company in a better way than we ever could through promotional efforts.
We plan to grow and mold our company along the ever changing marketplace, while maintaining our relationships and providing our customers with the best service achievable. With that said, we shout HOORAH to our past, our present, and our future.